Advisory Council Announces Appointments to the Order of Nunavut

IQALUIT, Nunavut (March 19, 2018) - Speaker of the Legislative Assembly and Chairperson of the Order of Nunavut Advisory Council Joe Enook today announced that Betty Brewster and Ludy Pudluk will be this year’s recipients of the Order of Nunavut.

On January 1, 2010, The Order of Nunavut Act came into force. The objective of the Order is to recognize individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the territory. The Order is the highest honour of Nunavut and takes precedence over all other orders, decorations or medals conferred by the Government of Nunavut.

Betty Brewster is a renowned interpreter-translator whose career has spanned several decades. In 2016, she was recognized by her peers for her lifetime of contributions to the profession with an Inuit Uqausinginnik Taiguusiliuqtiit Language Award.

Ludy Pudluk served as a Member of the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories from 1975 to 1995. During his many years of public service, Mr. Pudluk represented the communities of the High Arctic and was instrumental in the movement that led to the creation of Nunavut.

“This year’s recipients of the Order of Nunavut are both distinguished individuals,” said Speaker Enook. “Ludy Pudluk is recognized as a statesman who made significant contributions to the creation of Nunavut and Betty Brewster is respected as a pioneering member of her profession whose work has strengthened the place of the Inuit Language in our society and institutions.”

The investiture ceremony for Ms. Brewster and Mr. Pudluk will be held during the spring 2018 sitting of the Legislative Assembly on a date to be announced. The ceremony will be held in the Chamber of the Legislative Assembly and televised live across the territory. Commissioner of Nunavut Nellie Kusugak will preside over the investiture ceremonies in her capacity as Chancellor of the Order of Nunavut.


For more information:
John Quirke, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly
and Secretary to the Order of Nunavut Advisory Council
(867) 975-5000