George Hickes
Alexander Sammurtok
Bobby Anavilok
Janet Pitsiulaaq Brewster
Adam Arreak Lightstone
Mary Killiktee
Solomon Malliki
Joseph Inagayuk Quqqiaq
Joe Savikataaq
Committee Clerks: John Quirke and Stephen Innuksuk
Research and Policy Analysts: Alex Baldwin, Siobhan Moss and Nathalia Okalik
The mandate of the Standing Committee on Oversight of Government Operations and Public Accounts is to:
- Consider main estimates, capital estimates, departmental business plans and corporate business plans; and
- Consider any other matter referred by the House.
The Standing Committee has oversight responsibility for the following Government of Nunavut departments, public agencies, territorial corporations and other entities:
- Department of Executive and Intergovernmental Affairs;
- Department of Finance;
- Department of Human Resources;
- Nunavut Business Credit Corporation;
- Nunavut Development Corporation;
- Qulliq Energy Corporation;
- Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission;
- Human Rights Tribunal;
- Inuit Uqausinginnik Taiguusiliuqtiit;
- Legal Services Board;
- Nunavut Liquor and Cannabis Board;
- Qulliit Nunavut Status of Women Council;
- Utility Rates Review Council;
- Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit Katimajiit; and
- Unless otherwise specified in the terms of reference for any other Standing Committee, all other boards and agencies of the Government of Nunavut.